Volunteer Opportunities

We have great people in Providence, and great people make great programs. If you’d like to help with one of our sports programs or community events, we’d love to have you! We rely on volunteers to make these things successful. 


We need volunteers for the following:

  • Youth baseball and softball coaches
  • Yout kickball coaches
  • Youth flag football coaches

For more information or to volunteer, please contact us at volunteerprovidencecity [at] gmail.com or by calling Sheyler Gunnell at (435) 752-9441, extension 210.

City Events

We are on a mission to create a greater sense of community in Providence, but we need your help! We are always looking for residents to help out with the following events:

Car Show: The car show has become a nice fall tradition in Providence. It is a well-oiled machine, but there is always room for more help. If you want to get involved, please contact Skarlet Bankhead or Sheyler Gunnell in the city office by calling (435) 752-9441.

Easter Egg Hunt: The Easter Egg Hunt is a fun and growing tradition for Providence. If you’d be willing to help the Youth Council execute this event please contact council member Carrie Kirk at (435) 757-1444 or ckirk [at] providence.utah.gov.

Sauerkraut Days: This long-running city tradition was revived under an incredible committe in 2022 and is celebrated each year in August. There are many opportunities to serve in this growing event. To learn more or get involved, reach out to providencesauerkrautdays [at] gmail.com.

Youth Council: We have a fantastic and active youth council that is so fun to work with. It is our vision to have 4-5 advisors work with the council, each heading up one or two activities so no one person needs to do any heavy lifting. The youth council helps execute each of the city events and plans other fun service activities though the year. You can learn more about Youth Council and getting involved as a member or an advisor here


If you are interested in working with Providence City on any of these community events or to volunteer in any way, please reach out! If you have questions, suggestions or ideas, contact council member Carrie Kirk at (435) 757-1444 or ckirk [at] providence.utah.gov. Thank you for your help in making Providence a great place to live!