Snow Removal

Winter Parking Restrictions

In its October 2023 meeting, the Providence City Council approved Ordinance 05-2023, making changes to the city's winter parking rules. Updated restrictions are as follows:

  • Winter parking regulation begins November 15 or the first measurable snowfall and runs through April 15
  • Vehicles are prohibited from parking on the streets from 1-9 a.m.
  • If the city is experiencing a bigger snowstorm and plows are still actively working beyond 9 a.m., the restriction will stay in place
  • Street parking exceptions will be made around the schools in Providence when school is in session or official school activities are being held
  • The citation fine for prohibited street parking has been increased to $50
Plowing Priorities

All city streets have been categorized according to priority based upon the volume of traffic and the number of homes/businesses the road services. The present snow control policy establishes the following priorities:

  • First Priority: All major arterial streets are considered to be the minimum network which must be kept open to provide a transportation system connecting hospitals, fire stations, police stations, and emergency medical services.
  • Second Priority: Minor arterial streets and those streets serving public schools, selected hot spots such as steep hills.
  • Third Priority: Collector streets and those additional streets serving public transportation.
  • Fourth Priority: All remaining streets such as residential and local streets.
  • Fifth Priority: Culs-de-sac

Please keep in mind the duration and intensity of a storm contribute to how quickly crews can move from one priority to the next. During major storms, the highest priority roads will be maintained until the storm subsides. Additionally, we do not plow private roads or roadways that are owned by the County or State.

To find out where you fall on the priority list, view the snowplow priority map.
To contact UDOT call: (435) 752-5377
To contact the Cache County Road Department call: (435) 753-7555